Thursday, December 11, 2008

Trendsetters idiotifying our scenes

"Aku budak Indie"

Apa maksud itu? There are two answers; the real one, and the one everyone follows. Yes, sadly, no one actually follows the real one anymore.

The Real Answer:

"I am independent. I love, support, follow the movements of independent music scenes, where bands from different (I repeat different) genres, strive and work hard to please themselves, and the ears of the fans."

Budak Indie (the real ones) judge bands based on what they sound like, not how they look or act. They respect all bands in general, except those that really are not being bands to play, but to show off. They do not go all 'anti' against bands they don't like, but they just don't keep themselves updated.

Now... follow the trend. This is what people actually think:

"Aku budak indie. I wear skinnies, I have a camera slung over my neck, I go to gigs to chill with my friends, stand around and listen to the bands from afar. Fck emos, Fck hardcore moshing, Fck Hujan."

This just cracks me up. I laugh when I see this. I just point, and laugh. Sorry, kind of kurang ajar, but dude, I can't help it.
a) since when is Indie about clothes & the way you look?
b) since when is Indie about photos?
c) In case you 'peminat muzik's have forgotten, Hujan was actually one of the upholders of "Indie" music (Independent music)... along with OAG, Bittersweet and countless others throughout the times.
d) Some hardcore bands actually say "we are not an Indie band". Eh pandai, if you're not indie, then what are you? Signed band? You got a record deal ke? Kalau you tak de record deal you are still under an Indie label, you're still independent, and managing your own tracks and gigs.

I am not saying that real indie-goers like Hujan, or OAG or Bittersweet. That is not my point. My point is, real indie-goers just don't "Fck" other bands, just to follow trend.

Faham tak? Indie is not a style, it's not a trend. It is independence. Simple as that. A hardcore rocker with a mohawk and leather jacket can still be considered indie, because he supports the movements of  unsigned bands. A guy with dreadlocks and marijuana in his hands is indie if he listens to Skudap Skudip - because Skudap Skudip is NOT signed with EMI or Universal Music. They are independent! HELLO!? Pop Shuvit, for example is not Indie... because they are signed with a record. 

I have been trying so hard all the time to put into people's heads that INDIE is not all those retro clothing, not all those skinny jeans, not the short anti-emo  hairstyle... its NOT. NOTTTTT.

With Love,
KL Mosher


Danial said...

Oh trendsetting. Don't you just love it. Last time it was "budak hip-hop". In the 90s was "budak grunge/punk/oi (choose one only)". It is common here in Malaysia; don't worry when the time comes when all this indie hype dies down, you'll see who are the real indies.

Woah, Nana! said...

i agree with uu! :D

admin said...

hey erm,

i think Love Me Butch is still an indie band.

dont cha think?