Friday, December 10, 2010
Petty minds of a petty scene
I've seen, witnessed, heard of and talked about a certain topic with a certain few of my friends who are unlike those that I spoke of above.
Sabotage;vicious mindless violence that offers nothing new" - (Crass)
Band to band:
Bands were once those people we look at and admire, people we looked up to, people we want to become. This value is slowly crumbling, not only because bands are now 'breeding like rats' (quoting Alak Knot Records), but also because bands don't seem to have enough respect for themselves anymore. They can't respect themselves, so they of course, are unable to respect others.
Such as a certain band, X, that comes from a similar hometown to another band, Y. The difference lies simply in the attitudes of the band members.
X is made up of a bunch of young boys who are ethically respectful. Y is made up of young boys who can be ethical, but instead decide to plunge into an immature feeling one cannot afford to hold while being in a band; jealousy.
SO as X starts getting shows, Y is chasing at their feet, calling up the organizers and backstabbing X, saying they (Y) deserve the slot a lot more. This had worked a few times because the organizers just don't want havoc and conflict, but dude... seriously?
Is this how you run a band, is this how you live as a band?
You can't even handle finding your way in the music scene without using spit-filthy tactics, you really think your band will reach the top, ever?
Being a band isn't just a group of friends making music, when you start being called for shows and start gaining fans, you're going to need a more mature behaviour. You're going to have to negotiate for your band in a decent, well-respected way. Sure, now you're getting gigs because you're sabotaging other bands, but sooner or later, through word-of-mouth by organizers you've bitched at, and bands you've let down, you're going to be nowhere, boys, nowhere.
Crowd to band
I've covered this before, and I will say it again. You don't like the band, get your face out of the crowd, don't stand there and make a shit face, don't stand there and laugh, don't stand there and jeer. Just walk away.
Especially if you're not in a band yourself and can't play instruments to save your life. How would you like it if one day you're laughing, and the band tells you to come up on stage and play something - since you seem to know better?
Bands play shows to give you entertainment, and if you can't appreciate that fact you're not a music-lover. Simply put.
Or being rude when they talk to you. Like when a boy was moshing by himself, in the back, behind the crowd, near a small kid. He was back-kicking, all that stuff. So later on, a member of a respectable band comes up and tells him, in a really loud voice "Hey you should be more careful, don't you see there were kids beside you, what if you kicked them?"
The boy stares at him, and goes "Yeah, yeah, I hear you, you deaf"
You don't want to know the rest of the story. Pahaha.
Crowd to Crowd
All this while I've been at crowds of different genres I have noticed and seen many things, from perverts grabbing to intentional backkicks at certain people you dislike, all the unethical behaviours, but never have I been as offended and ashamed by the crowd of KL as I was during Upon Arrival's set at MYMC Fest 2010.
There I was, unprepared to go for a gig; dressed in shorts and slippers, but enjoying myself to the max listening to Upon Arrival, the only band I went in for the event. Crowdsurfers, stagedivers, these people are all norms of any heavy gig you attend.
So there I am standing towards the front as people are jumping towards my head. I shove them backwards, I push them to other people - standard procedure.
But there is this one guy who stood behind me, who pushed a stagediver down onto the ground. The poor dude landed on his back, he bumped his head, he was in pure pain.
Then the guy behind me raised his arms in glee and shouted "WHOOO!", advancing towards the guy on the floor as if he was ready to kick him. I just pulled his shirt towards me and shouted at him, so loud, that almost everybody in front turned around. Berlagak giler, sial. I never felt such fury in the crowd before, ever since I punched a guy for trying to finger me in the crowd.
Bloody hell, this animosity is so strong in our scenes I don't bloody get it, people want to go to gigs to enjoy music! We want to have fun we want to appreciate the scene, but all these people kicking, fighting, laughing, mocking, hurting other people... why? What the hell do you gain?
Sometimes I wonder if these kids will always be this close-minded.
With Love,
KL Mosher
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Get off the bandwagon (and put down the handbook)
by millions of people,
but there is only one thing that remains
the lack of change and lack of awareness of this growing,
annoying, irritating habit.
On one hand, you get avid fans of a band willing to travel
halfway across the world
or even halfway down a country just to see that one band perform
before their eyes because it's worth it, to them.
On the other hand you get 'fans' who pay a few hundred
to enter the venue and watch a band only to walk out halfway saying "I was not close enough, I couldn't connect"
and say to everybody else "Oh, yes I've seen that band!"
Or 'fans' who bloat about how big a supporter they are of the scene
but when there's a gig,
where are they?
Nowhere to be found.
Kiddo, if I can stand 20,000-100,000 TALL people away from Rammstein,
Muse or Iron Maiden and still bloody connect with their set,
and kiss the muddy ground after because I am so grateful to even SEE them before my eyes,
why the hell can you not connect with a band you're locked into a stadium with?
There are fans all over the world, real fans,
who look up to bands and are inspired by them
and really, really hurt when they slip a chance of seeing them perform, seeing them live
but shake it off by listening to them on their CDs/cassettes all night long.
And there you get others wasting their money, showing off, and not even showing an ounce of gratitude or appreciation of what the bands sweat out to give their audience.
If you can't connect with a band just because of the distance or quality of venue or sound... you're not a true fan, so why do you claim yourself to be?
Be honest with yourself and be honest to people around you, why do music listeners nowadays need to be so pretentious, and claim they are a fan of so many bands and buy band t-shirts but when they're put in a situation where they can prove what a fan they are... they bail.
If you're not a real fan, just say "I listen to them, but not much". What's so difficult about that? Shame? Street credit? You have to say you know them well too, because everyone else does?
You're not going to lose respect if you're the only one who doesn't listen to Metallica, or Paramore or The Ramones.
The loss of respect is if you promote your obsession of the band 24/7, when really you only listen to the band when it comes up on shuffle.
Believe me, shame is what you get when one day someone finds out what a phoney you are.
After my previous posts, people have been sharing their views about it and a lot about 'ideology' came up. All sorts, of all subcultures, of all ages, of all forms.
I only have this to say:
instead of forcing and pressuring
and controlling people to believe your ideology is right
take a look at what you're doing
aren't you being the exact same as the ones
your ideology's against (the big man)?
Control, Pressure, Force.
And you call yourself a real deal but
you spend your time dissing other people
well, instead of cursing at people on your facebook group
why don't i see you do something worth the time
start a riot or fight for your right,
not fight for your social pride,
why don't i see you do something physical to show what you stand for?
Prove to me your ideology holds strong
and I will salute you.
That is all I have to say.
With Love,
KL Mosher
Monday, October 18, 2010
Left wing, right wing, you can stuff the lot
Words. Nothing more, nothing less. I do not care how many people read my lyrics, my poems, my prose on things that matter to me, but as long as I know I've managed to express myself, that's enough. Isn't it?
Violence? Forthright actions? What do you gain from it, except hurt, anger and enemies?
Many say they want to fight the oppression and injustice of the right wing, political, racist violence by fighting back with their own,
but hey, doesn't that make you the same as them?
You're lining yourself up in the same boundaries as the ones you hate and that makes you no better.
It doesn't matter who you are or where you come from, when you act the way your enemies do, you're equal to them.
You call yourself a leader but you're just another carbon copy of the ones you despise,
because your actions speak no louder than the ones you victimize,
I'm not saying we should pity the ones who cause us all this headache,
I'm not saying we should listen to the politically minded who try to change our ways.
Sometimes it's true that anger takes a toll and you can't help yourself, but if you can't help yourself, do you think anyone else can? Do you think you can change?
When you read the news, you shake your head, but then you go and do something just the same,
and you're always the one pointing fingers,
like you do not dare to blame yourself for your own actions.
So who is the coward, you or them?
When you act with violence, you show a weak mind, and with a weak mind comes a loss of respect and pride from those by your side, and you end up standing alone with nobody to turn to.
Of course I believe in standing your own ground, but I won't want to stand my own ground if I did things I'm ashamed of.
All I am saying is if they fight us with control,
we fight them with restraint.
No use shouting profanity and ruining what they own,
when we can silently compile our thoughts and make a movement grow,
through speeches, through ideas we can rise against
not through violence, not through threats, not through physical provocation.
I believe strongly in determination, and if we are determined to change things, we can do it, but there is no need for all the hatred and all the angry actions that you will look back on and regret. We should start a sort of weekly gathering, where we can share our own ideas on an individual topic, and come up with ways to make it better. Without a rash mind, without irritation, just pure, civilized, sophisticated discussions.
We don't need to be part of a group, part of a class, part of anything materialistic and tangible to share our ideas, we just need to have the same minds, the same passion, the same determination.
Propagandas, zines, banners, poems, placards, flyers, blogs, websites, lyrics... all these form of expression we can use to get our words out there to the world, to the ones we want to attack, without physically attacking them.
As they aimlessly opress us, we stand and sing,
then we'll see in the end who's side will win.
With Love,
KL Mosher
Friday, October 15, 2010
You're The Only You
Want to be yourself but too scared to strip down to your individuality.
It's alright to feel uncomfortable when people stare...
Penny Rimbaud felt uncomfortable, but did he care?
If you want to be different you're going to have to face a lot more shit
and tell those conforming scums "Fuck you, because I don't give-"
Of course people are going to laugh, of course you'll get crapped on,
stepped on, pulled down,
but what's the point of singing all the songs about what you stand for,
if you can't even stand your own ground?
Why would you sing "Hey Ho, Let's Go"
if you don't know where you're heading?
Why would you dress up in extremes if your mind is laden like the rest of normality?
What's the point of buying badges and pins and patches if you don't understand what it means?
What's the point of shaving half your head off just to look good in the mirror
yet blush red when people snigger on the streets?
It's your own fault for the lack of independence,
not the society's, because without you to feed to,
there will be no feeding of bullshit ideas and fake reality
so don't blame or point fingers at society's leaders
for brainwashing you and your mates
if you can't even handle going against their oppression and slick manipulation
and walk out with everything they stuff into you and on you.
You say you're an anti-capitalist, kiddo,
but if you live in the city
and just newly exposed to the concept,
it's very hard to be one, unless you live with nothing but your pair of jeans
and cycle and walk, and forget about your handphones
and eat from the bin,
can you do that?
well, then, stop labeling yourselves
and do something about it.
because you don't need to be part of any clan
any subculture
any group or community
to prove yourself differently
because when you join a hundred, you become a hundred things
so what happens to YOU?
you don't need to be an anarchist
if you dislike the government,
you don't need to be a liberalist
or part of the GAP to do something about the shithole of society
to give money to the poor or scratch rich men's cars,
just because you dislike racists doesn't mean you have to start attacking
racist punks, unless they are racist to you, of course,
but even violence can't solve everything
violent actions are violent minds
and war starts from the inside.
anarchy? anti-christ? anti-fa?
those are just labels of what the society gives to the
failures, the outsider mentalities,
because in reality, these labels mean nothing,
they never existed and at the end of the day
our words and actions are louder
and we are not failures
for we stand as ourselves, individual and whole.
you don't need to be part of anything else
but your own mind.
Believe it. Trust it.
You want to be yourself, but you're too afraid to show it,
so who are you showing, who do you see when you look into the mirror?
Find yourself, be yourself before it's too late,
or you'll spend the rest of your life
watching yourself fade.
Thank you.
-Celine Belli
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The "Stagedive" Project
An education on unity
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Goodbye, suckers.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Animosity Vs. Unity
I came out disappointed. Not only were the crowds unsupportive of the bands of other genres, the crowds were unsupportive towards each other. I seriously do not understand why people want to always pick a fight or purposely hurt people in the crowd. It doesn't matter if you accidentally push or shove or kick somebody. But never, ever is it acceptable when it is intentional.
I was also disappointed because a person who frequently did that was somebody I knew.
I spent the whole gig scorning at the kids who sang to The Times' "Tunjuk Perasaan". 'Rasa Sayang/ Tunjuk perasaan'... there's no use singing those lines if you are hurting each other at the same time. Is it so hard for the crowd to just, jump around and sing along without having to feel the need to shove somebody in the ribs or elbow people in the head?
Then there are those people who purposely enter the crowd during a band they never really listen to, just to get annoyed at the kids actually having fun. I saw a guy standing in the crowd with a frown on his face, clearly not enjoying himself, and there was a boy behind him having the time of his life dancing and singing along. He accidentally repeatedly slaps the frowning guy in the shoulder. All the guy could do was move away, but no. He had to kick the guy who was enjoying, ruining the moment for him. Why?
We're supposed to support each other in the scene and strengthen our unity that Aaron from Bane once appreciated. What the hell is all this animosity for? What can you gain out of it, other than people with hurt feelings and anger? Is that what you want in our scene?Hate?
Then by all means, keep on ruining the scene.
A Justification
I do mosh now in a way I once found weird, credited to my now expanded knowledge of the hardcore culture. But I want to make it clear that I do still find some hxc moves unacceptable (to myself personally). I am only active in the traditional two-step/pizzamaker and breakdowns, because those are all I need for release.
I don't do the continuous flying, spinning kicks, the flinging, windmill arms, because I still stick to what I believed two years ago; those intentionally and obviously will hurt people. I don't mosh to hurt, I mosh to release. I wrote before I do not understand why the crowd would move in synchronisation to free music, but I now realize it is not a negative thing; almost an angry dance of release.
I still shake my head at kids who 2-step and breakdown and all the wrong parts of a song. What I do now, is not what I hate, nor what I love. Just a release.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Noisy Studio debates.
Friday, May 28, 2010
[Updated] Noisy Studio ratted on
AMPANG JAYA: Police arrested 123 youths, including the daughter of a bass player from a famous mid-80s rock band, and crippled an illegal punk rock gig at a double storey premise in Kampung Baru, Ampang, yesterday.
The raid at 11.30pm was conducted by the crime investigation department and narcotics crime division of the Ampang Jaya police headquarters. The youths, aged between 15 and 35, were arrested after police received complaints from residents about the noise.
Ampang Jaya district deputy police chief Supt Amiruddin Jamaluddin said when police raided the place, some were found high on drugs.
Also nabbed were 11 foreigners, including six Australians, two Americans and three Indonesians.
"We found 20 under influence of syabu, ecstasy and cannabis and another 20 were underaged,” said Amiruddin.
“They did not have a permit for the gathering. We also detained the owner of the premise for further investigation,” he said.
Monday, May 17, 2010
A small scene with big dreams
FLAMES FESTIVAL Presale Tickets on sale!

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Organizing a gig: BE SMART II
Monday, April 26, 2010
BANE LIVE IN KL & FLAMES FESTIVAL Presale Tickets on sale!
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
When home is where music is
Monday, March 29, 2010
Subculture is not a religion
Monday, March 22, 2010
Mosh Etiquette
Thursday, March 11, 2010
No Need For Agression
Local Pride
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Cultural diversities
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Is Underground becoming a trend?
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Positive/Negative movement: Same thing
Monday, January 4, 2010
Leave our music out of social issues!
KUALA LUMPUR: Setiap malam Jumaat, seorang remaja Islam mendakwa dia membentuk simbol 666 menggunakan kedua-dua belah jari tangan yang diletakkan di dada sebelum membaca kalimah zikir 'f...g God' 666 kali sambil diiringi muzik black metal.
Sukar dipercayai kenyataannya itu, tetapi itulah hakikatnya kerana menurut remaja terbabit fahaman black metal yang sebelum ini disangka berkubur ternyata meleset kerana ramai di kalangan remaja belasan tahun sepertinya kini 'menganut' ajaran songsang itu dengan melakukan amalan zikir syaitan atau zikir 666 yang dilakukan khas bagi menghina Allah s.w.t.
Mendedahkan perkara itu, remaja lelaki yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Syamri, 13, berkata dia menganggotai kumpulan itu sejak sembilan bulan lalu selepas dipengaruhi rakannya.
Menurutnya, amalan bidaah yang diamalkan berkenaan menyebabkan keimanannya kosong serta mengakibatkan dia tidak percaya kepada kewujudan Tuhan.
Dia yang kini menjalani pemulihan akidah dan akhlak di Rumah Iman, Pertubuhan Kebajikan Sahabat Insan Dan Iman Malaysia (Sidim) berkata zikir itu yang diamalkan bukan hanya bertujuan mengeji kewujudan Tuhan, malah bagi mengagungkan syaitan di dalam hati mereka.
"Mungkin ramai yang sukar percaya (zikir keji Tuhan), namun bagi remaja black metal di Perak, Kedah dan Kuala Lumpur, ia bukan perkara asing berikutan ia umpama amalan wajib bagi mendekatkan diri dengan syaitan," katanya dalam pengakuan ketika ditemui wartawan Harian Metro, baru-baru ini.
Dia mendakwa mula 'tersesat jalan' selepas terpengaruh rakan sebaya termasuk teman wanita yang terlebih dulu bergelumang dengan 'ajaran' muzik berkenaan.
"Mulanya saya hanya suka-suka menyertai persembahan 'gig' yang diadakan di sebuah stadium di Ipoh, Perak selain konsert 'jamming' di beberapa studio atau pusat latihan muzik di sekitar Ipoh.
"Kami biasanya membayar antara RM15 hingga RM30 untuk menyertai konsert band black metal berkenaan yang boleh dikatakan dianjurkan setiap minggu termasuk di ibu kota," katanya.
Menurutnya, minat mendalam terhadap muzik keras itu menyebabkan dia kemaruk hampir saban minggu untuk mengunjungi konsert apatah lagi selepas berkawan rapat dengan beberapa ahli kumpulan muzik black metal.
"Saya dipujuk memakai rantai leher dengan lambang salib terbalik, selain lambang bintang tidak ubah seperti simbol bendera zionis sebagai bukti menjadi sebahagian daripada mereka.
"Tidak cukup dengan itu, saya diajar mengamalkan zikir khas yang perlu dilakukan untuk menyucikan hati kononnya Tuhan tidak wujud sebaliknya perlu memuja syaitan," katanya.
Syamri yang insaf menyatakan mengamalkan ajaran zikir khas terbabit yang perlu dilakukan dengan beberapa kaedah tertentu.
"Saya perlu membengkokkan jari bagi membentuk simbol 666 (syaitan) sebelum ia dirapatkan pada dada. Sambil duduk bersila, saya kemudian perlu zikir 'f.....g God' di dalam hati 666 kali.
"Biasanya saya melakukan upacara ini dalam bilik tidur sambil membuka muzik kumpulan Suicide Silent atau Devil Wear Prada.
"Ketika itu hati perlu diletakkan penuh taksub hanya kepada syaitan yang didakwa mampu dijadikan sebagai pelindung," katanya.
Menurutnya, amalan gila ini sedikit demi sedikit menjadikan hatinya menjadi gelap selain mula tidak percaya dengan kewujudan Tuhan.
"Malah, sikap saya menjadi semakin agresif hingga sanggup memaki-hamun ibu bapa sendiri selain memusuhi ustazah di sekolah. Saya menjadi terlalu liar kerana amalan zikir syaitan itu bagaikan meresap sepenuhnya dalam sanubari," katanya.
Syamri dengan suara kesal mendakwa dia benar-benar menjadi sesat dan tidak lagi menganggap dirinya sebagai penganut ajaran Islam.
Menurutnya, pergaulan tidak terkawal menyebabkan dia melarikan diri dari rumah beberapa minggu sebelum ditemui ahli keluarga.
"Akibatnya saya diikat bapa sebelum dikurung tiga hari dalam bilik. Ketika itu saya tidak henti-henti membaca zikir 666 dengan harapan akan mendapat bantuan syaitan.
"Namun, akhirnya saya sedar, zikir karut berkenaan tidak bermakna apa-apa sebaliknya hanya menyebabkan jiwa saya semakin sesat. Zikir itu langsung tidak dapat membantu saya melepaskan diri dari dalam bilik itu. Kesedaran muncul mendadak menyebabkan saya mula berfikir sebelum dihantar keluarga ke rumah sahabat Sidim untuk menjalani rawatan kerohanian dan kembali ke jalan benar," katanya.
My reply (it was rushed and all blerghh because I dah naik angin haha):
Alright, dengar ini. Si Syamri tu seorang individual. Dia sendiri nak pilih jalan macam tu, biarlah dia buat, tapi jangan kata tu influence Black Metal. Kami semua ade hak dengar muzik2 dari semua genre, termasuk Black Metal. Banyak yang dengar black metal tetap hormat Allah, Jesus, Buddha, semua. Banyak yang dengar black metal and pergi gig metal pun ade sembahyang, tak f*ck God, tak cakap benda mcm tu. Sebab? Kitorang dengar muzik untuk enjoy, untuk jadi manusia biasa. Takkan saja sbb Tuhan, kitorang tak dapat ada hobby2 mcm dengar music? Kawan2 I semua ahli2 kumpulan black metal, tapi diaorang semua baik hati, pandai dan matang. Diaorang tak campur muzik dengan agama, muzik tu muzik, agama tu agama. Jangan salahkan musik kitorang kalau budak2 dari zaman ni dah tak hormat agama. Tu hal diaorang, bukan muzik. Bukan semua ikut cara si Syamri tu.
So are they trying to say us as kids are not allowed to have our own freedom to listen to whatever genre we want? If that Syamri guy wants to fuck god after listening to Black Metal, he's the sad one. Many people who listen to metal or any other genres are still religious and respect god. It is a personal, subjective thing to believe in religion and god. There is no way one can blame music for influencing that path, unless the listeners are manic for the bands and perceive the messages that way. That is entirely up to the individuals. What the hell.
Dear Metro, if gigs start getting difficult to organize, I will burn your newspapers. (matter of speech)
It's bloody stupid that they are trying to blame our music scene for the immature lack of religious kids. Unbelievably stupid. Why are people starting to mix everything with music, why do people blame music for everything?
Racism starts appearing in music, if a kid fails in studies, it's the music, if someone is jobless, takes drugs, they're a musician, if people are not religious, they're musicians. What bullshit is this?
Leave us alone, we have our right to have our hobbies and passion to pursue and save our music scene, don't start interfering with all these unnecessary and false acclaims.
With Love,
KL Mosher